mastodon oauth utility

This tool is here to help you get access tokens for mastodon api clients. It's not for getting the client key and client secret, it's for turning those into an access token without you having to build out the whole flow just to dev with.

Yeah, this tool asks for your client key and secret. If you don't trust me, or want to run this yourself for some other reason, get the source from .

If you have any questions, hit me up at \


  1. fill out the form below
  2. submit it
  3. on the next screen, you'll have to:
  4. follow the redirect uri
  5. go through the mastodon flow
  6. get the authorization code
  7. put the authorization code on the next screen
  8. submit that form
  9. get the access token
  10. put it in your app or something

the form below

application info
redirect uri
urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob (if you don't have this configured for your app, you probably have a better tool than this ready to go)
your user info
(the root address, like )